
Employee Wellness is comprised of Counseling for Faculty and Staff (CFS) and Health Promotion for Faculty and Staff (HPFS), which are both units of the App State Appalachian Institute for Health and Wellness (App Well).

CFS and HPFS work collaboratively with other units within the institute and across the university to provide programs and services that enhance the health and wellness of App State faculty, staff, retirees, and their immediate family members.

App State Employee Wellness

Mission of Counseling for Faculty and Staff (CFS)

Counseling for Faculty and Staff contributes to the overall mission of Appalachian State University by offering free, confidential, and short-term services to faculty, staff, and their family members to identify, prevent and address personal, family and workplace issues.

Learn more about CFS

Mission of Health Promotion for Faculty and Staff (HPFS)

Health Promotion for Faculty and Staff (HPFS) provides Appalachian State University staff, faculty, retirees, and their spouses/domestic partners with programs and services that help to promote a healthier lifestyle and a better quality of life.

Major components of the program include:

  • Health and Fitness
  • Preventative Screenings
  • Nutrition Counseling
  • Special Services

Learn more about HPFS

About the Institute for Health and Human Services

The Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina Institute for Health and Human Services (IHHS) provides multidisciplinary research opportunities, clinical services, community outreach, and training programs related to holistic health and well-being with the overarching goal of improving lives through transformative social, environmental, and healthcare advances.

IHHS aspires to take education and research beyond the walls of academia by engaging the very people it serves in the process of training future providers, building research relevant to rural health, and creating a sustainable culture of health through regional community partnerships in education and preventive services.

App State Employee Perks and Benefits

For a comprehensive list of perks and benefits available to App State employees, including additional health and wellness resources, please visit the Office of Human Resources.