January 2025 Spotlight Story

Our newest Spotlight is focusing on the Wellness Project that three passionate Staff members created among their department after seeing the burnout affects of Covid. Sharon Taylor, Georgie Donovan and Jonathan Priest, within the Library department, proposed the same idea regarding the improvement of mental health among their colleagues. Sessions were created for their staff members and composed of an array of modalities that were offered twice a week. Mindful art, sound bathing meditation, yoga, mindful movement, and walking meditation are among the few that they include each month. 

As a result of their hard work and dedication the “Library Wellness Group” received this springs Group Award! The Group Award is given to a group or team who have gone above and beyond on an initiative that has elevated the service and standing of Appalachian State University Libraries. This award goes to a group that has made a difference in the library through their teamwork and collaboration.The nominator stated, “This group came together from three separate library "Teams," with a common purpose after seeing a need among their colleagues. They recognized the importance of wellness in the workplace and made a plan to provide opportunities for employees to prioritize self care. Their workshops have provided a safe and inclusive space for participants to explore and find wellness practices that resonate with their individual needs and interests”. 

HPFS would like to applaud this level of dedication and passion from Sharon, Jonathan, and Georgie. It is inspiring to see passionate employees that notice a need among their department and work together to create an internal culture of wellness and self-care. We look forward to what this project will grow into and how it will motivate and inspire others to improve their wellness. 

Foggy Mountain with Spotlight Story in Gold Letters
Published: Jan 13, 2025 10:26am
